Style Starts Where Fashion Ends?

Design is the thing that figures out what “wears” in a spatio-transient setting, however the style characterizes the identity of the wearer. From extravagant jeans to shirt with bicycles or ribbon, all were once “elegant,” yet time has passed thus have they lost in prevalence, yet not totally. Each bit of garments has its appeal…

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Incaltaminte dama de calitate

Sunt pasionata de pantofi si toti prietenii si cunoscutii mei cunosc acest aspect. Comand tot ceea ce imi atrage atentia, fie ca utilizez un magazin online, fie ca descopar in vacantele mele magazine cu produse inedite. Este important sa porti mereu ceea ce iti place, doar asa o sa ai incredere mereu in tine si…

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Love is in the Air by Roxannes

Colectii Roxannes- Love is in the Air Mi-a atras in mod deosebit atentia un colier Argint 925 Twin Hearts cu design clasic. Este decorat cu doua pandantive sub forma de inima si are un cristal delicat de zirconiu. Acest tip de cristal reprezinta un talisman aducator de iubire, fericire, compasiune si caritate, pe care inima insasi le…

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